To color the bullet point, select the inserted cells and click Home.Now select all the inserted cell, click on the bottom right of the cell and drag to insert the same bullet point to the other cells.Select anyone of the symbols to use as a bulletin, hit Insert and select Close.

Open your excel spreadsheet and select Symbols in the Insert ribbon.So to use bulletin read the procedure below.

Office does not provide bullet option in Excel and OneNote separately. In the font color choose needed color for your bullet point and Hit OK.Open your Word document, go to H ome and click on the drop down box of bulletin in the paragraph menu.Please read on this tutorial which is applicable for all Office 2016 applications. Question is whether there is a way to switch the bullets to a different color, say red? By default, all bullets (or numbers if that’s a numbered lists) are colored black. Here’s a tutorial about changing a PowerPoint slide background color.I would like to go ahead and create a bulleted list in Word.

Lately, a couple of readers asked specific questions, relative to modifying the background color of the different Office 2016 applications. I personally find the Dark Gray theme quite easy of the eye and use it happily since Office 2013 was first released.