It will come down to preference, try different builds! Warmonger? Leadership, iron flesh, power strike, weapon mastery, riding Want to get into commerce? Trade, pathfinding, inventory management, and the merchants ledger. Want to be a slaver? Looks like you're gonna get prisoner management, pathfinding, tracking, spotting and likely trade. Warband is so open ended that largely it doesn't matter that much how you start, as you can shape your character any way you want over time. I usually try to get strength, charisma and agility to ~9 to start, pumping as much as possible into Intelligence early to maximize points available. In terms of skill theres a couple worth focusing on early - Leadership (raises army limit), Iron Flesh (raises HP), Training (provides exp to your troops, making them stronger faster, power draw (for bows), riding (for mounts), power strike (increases melee dmg), shields if you want to use shields, path-finding for catching/running from enemies, prisoner management. The bandits are typically mounted though, but that provides invaluable practice fighting against cavalry. Start in Sarranids, the typical desert battleground has zero trees and is typically pretty flat creating an optimal fighting arena for new players.