Some missions will have more of an emphasis on stealth for example, but really you can try and snipe your targets from far away, use stealth and silent melee attacks, or just go in like freaking Rambo, all guns blazing and try to complete a mission that way. While I would say that this has a more tactical feel to it, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 does allow you to tackle the story missions and the side missions (war crimes) in any way that you want. It actually adds to the game and makes you feel like you are actually in this world. Having to figure out where to go next is actually part of the game and instead of being annoying like you would think. The world here is quite large and your mini-map is not just full of little icons telling you where to go to do each story or side mission. I will admit that this is true, but the big thing here is that the game has a much more open world feel to it. One of the accusations that many people have thrown the way of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 is about how it plays it rather safe. The story is very well done and something that feels like it could have been in a Tom Clancy game.

You continue your military career and a couple of years later you take a new mission, but you are also on the lookout for your brother.